Musical Wall Clock Buying Guide


Musical wall clocks not only tell the time, they are a piece of art. They add a style statement and aesthetic appeal to your house. Their exquisite sound and melody provide a soothing experience. There are many types of musical wall clocks available in the market. You can consider the following tips for choosing a suitable one for yourself:

Musical Wall Clocks
Musical Wall Clocks


The price of musical wall clocks can range from anywhere from $20 and go up to thousands of dollars. The price depends on a number of factors like material used for construction, type of movement, details of design, etc. The final choice depends upon your budget and the design features which you want to buy in a musical wall clock.


Musical wall clocks can be made from different types of materials. You can find them made from materials like wood, plastic, metal, etc. They can also come in different levels of style and details which can add to their visual appeal and cost too. Some materials are more durable than others. You can decide the optimal musical wall clock to buy depending upon the material of your choice and budget.

Sound and Melody

The distinguishing feature of these clocks is the sound and melody produced by them. Their melody adds to their charm and makes them preferred by most. There are different types of sound and melodies available in these wall clocks. Clocks with more sound choices are likely to be costlier than ones with few sounds.

Oval Musical Wall Clocks
Oval Musical Wall Clocks


Musical wall clocks come in different shapes and sizes. The deciding factor for choosing the correct sized clock is the size of the room or space where you want to put it. If you have a large room or living space, then a larger musical wall clock will be better. Larger clocks are good for making bold style statement while smaller clocks add a dash of subtle charm.

Power Source

Most musical clocks are powered either by battery or electrical source. If you want a portable and easier to manage clock, then battery-powered versions are better choices.

Personal Style and Preference

There are considerable differences between musical wall clocks in terms of shape, sizes, material, sounds, etc. You can find a wide variety of options in the market from which to choose from. Generally, the final decision to buy a particular type of wall clock is guided mostly by personal taste and preferences. The musical wall clock which you want to buy should complement your home and add to its visual appeal and style.

Cost of Ownership

The cost of ownership of a musical wall clock is something which you should carefully assess before making the buying decision. There is not much point in buying a wall clock and then spending heavily on its maintenance and overall cost of ownership. You should also consider whether the brand you want to purchase has servicing available at your location. The cost of installation and regular servicing should also be factored in to decide the best musical wall clock to buy.

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